Online reservation

Chill and sushi

Total rated: 7
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.

Anastasia Kuznetsova


Pärnu mnt 32, Tallinn, Harju County, 10141

Mon     12:00 - 23:00  
Tue     12:00 - 23:00  
Wed     12:00 - 23:00  
Thu     12:00 - 23:00  
Fri     12:00 - 23:00  
Sat     12:00 - 00:00  
Sun     12:00 - 23:00  

The chefs of the restaurant try to combine various elements of European and Asian cuisine and at the same time use them in modern dishes.

Parking in the Snabb parking lot with the code Sakura15 gives a 15% discount.
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.
If you wish to reserve to following events, please click the title below
FoodLover Restaurants Week 13.-23.02.2025 (13. February, 2025 - 23. February, 2025)
Kolmekäiguline sõbrapäeva erimenüü Sakura restoranis ( 14. February, 2025 - 14. February, 2025)


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Kolmekäiguline sõbrapäeva erimenüü Sakura restoranis

Offer valid 14.02.2025
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Külli Raudvere 08:38 01.01.2025

Kala oli pisut kuiv, aga muidu oli toit suurepärane

Grigori 11:19 26.12.2024

Väga hea toit ja teenindus!

Dmitri 09:16 25.05.2024

Toit oli väga värske. Teenindusega probleemid puuduvad.

Vladimir 20:44 23.02.2024

Nigirid head Riisiga peaks veel tööd tegema.Kahjuks tuna kala ei olnud, menüüs seisis. Teised toidud olid aasia pärased,mitte jaapani.

Tauri 12:52 02.01.2024

Muusika oli natuke valju, kuid toit oli väga värske ja hea ning teenindus sõbralik!

Alo 13:25 01.01.2024

Super toit ja teenindus!