
Modern Russian cuisine made with great passion!

Total rated: 40

Roman Zaštšerinski, Igor Andrejev


Võrgu 3, Tallinn, Harju County, 10415

Mon     Closed  
Tue     17:00 - 23:00  
Wed     17:00 - 23:00  
Thu     17:00 - 23:00  
Fri     17:00 - 00:00  
Sat     13:00 - 00:00  
Sun     13:00 - 21:00  

MOON [mo: n] - (yes, it's like the flower)
10 years ago, Roman and Igor decided to throw high chef's hats away and return to their roots, and all this gave us the restaurant Moon. I will now quote one of our good acquaintances and simply a wonderful person who, after the first visit to Moon, told us:
"In order to move on, you have to go back!"

Unusual name. Unusual location. But otherwise a very common place. In Moon, we have a big challenge for city boys and girls, the keywords of which are - simplicity, independence, local raw materials, honesty and respect, Nordic crispness and the corner of Kalamaja. In order not to attract the flavors worthy of high cuisine from the most expensive ingredients, much, much, much more work needs to be done. The return of Romani and Igor is the progress of all of us towards cleaner, residue-free and better everyday food. In the kitchen, renowned chefs Roman Zaštšerinski and Igor Andrejev will take care of the general well-being, warm absence and good drink of the guests, the hostess of the house Jana Zaštšerinski and the restaurant's sommelier Mikk Parre.

We compare the arrival to Moon with the visit to our own home. Everything here is as we like it. Here we make the kind of food we like. Every chef dreams of his own restaurant - Moon's owners and hostess made it happen for themselves.

Over the years, our food and activities have been appreciated by local residents as well as critics and guides who professionally appreciate culinary and restaurant culture.
White Guide Nordic
Silverspoon Gastronomy Award
Baltic Wine List Awards
Restaurant Guru

Welcome to visit us,
Roman, Jana and Igor
Restaurant Moon opened its doors on December 1, 2009

Parking in front of the house is free; When coming by public transport, stop at Linnahalli


No available times on selected date!
Summer terrace if possible
We wish to stay for longer than 3 hours
Private room if possible
Wedding anniversary

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Marek 08:20 14.12.2024

Teenindaja Dan on vâga hea suhtleja (soe ning avatud). Toidud olid endiselt head: portsud pole teab mis suured aga maitseelamusi tekitavad seevastu kuhjaga. Soovitan kohta inimesele, kes oskab hinnata koka panust heast toorainest kvaliteetmaitse esiletoomisel. Kiidan veelkord teenindajat, kellest õhkus soov täita iga su viimanegi kapriis.

Agris Arumaa 11:48 17.10.2024

Mooni testorani kahjuks minna ei saanud kuna ei tulnud teavitust broneeringi kinnitamisest. Tuli vaid teavitus et on tùhistatud 1,5 tundi pärast minu poolt soovitis broneeringu algust Kahjuks Mooniga juba teine ebameeldiv kogemus järjest. SIIS KLINDLASTI EI SOOVITA

Vilve Roosioks 09:41 07.06.2024

Väga maitsvad toidud, suurepärane teenindus ja hea õhkkond. Kindlasti soovitan külastada!

Riina 08:45 18.05.2023

Väga maitsev toit ja sõbralik teenindus.

RAGNA VISTER 11:27 05.02.2023


Marina 08:11 08.12.2022

Kõik oli suurepäraselt!

Margit Naptal 08:40 10.10.2022

Pearoogasid ootasime 2h ja 15 min. Teenindaja ei andnud teada, et läheb kauem aega, meid lihtsalt ignoreeriti.

Tatjana 11:31 21.08.2022

Остались очень довольны ужином. Маааленькое замечание официантке:пиво не наливают в винный бокал.

Mar 08:24 04.08.2022

Excellent!!! A must when you visit tallin! It will be good if the table have more space, we ate outside and the table feel a bit small.

Kahene seltskond 21:20 07.07.2022

Jäime väga rahule, toit hea ja kaunilt kujundatud, atmosfäär mõnus ja eriti tore oli teenindaja, kes oli super !

Nata 08:08 27.06.2022

Lihtne ,aga väga kvaliteetne toit. Värsked toiduainet hästi valmistatud.

Kirsi 14:21 30.05.2022

We were a little bit disappointed. The blinis were excellent, yes. But otherwise the food.... There was nothing exactly wrong with it, but it was nothing exceptional. Nothing to remember later. Just average good food.

Andres 09:07 30.12.2021

Kõik oli ootuspäraselt hea.

Alvar 13:48 27.09.2021

Mõnus toit, atmosfäär ja teenindus.

Ülle 11:38 03.08.2020

Jäime kõik väga rahule teeninduse, atmosfääri ja toitudega.

female from Finland 13:33 24.11.2015

Last september I visited with my 8 friends in this restaurant. That visit was exellent. Good experience. That's why we now liked to visit ( me and my husband ) again. Food was very good and so was service as well.

kõigega rahul 18:15 22.11.2015

Jäin väga rahule. Hästi südamlik teenindus. Ülimaitsvad toidud.

tuleme jälle 17:50 22.11.2015

Toit oli taevalik, portsud parajad, teenindus super ja üldmulje koduselt hubane. Kogu meie viiene seltskond jäi restoraniga väga rahule. Koht kuhu kindlasti tagasi tulla.

ei jäänud väga rahule 13:18 19.11.2015

Kahju öelda, aga olles Moonis suhteliselt sage käia jäi seekordne mulje üsna kesiseks. Menüüd ootasime üle 10 minuti ning kõike mis tavapäraselt on teenindaja pakkuda tuli seekord ise küsida.

naine Tallinnast 22:46 17.11.2015

Toit oli suurepärane, teenindajad lahked ja sõbralikud.