Online reservation

Black Rose is an English pub where good entertainment meets well spent time combined with tasty food and drinks

Total rated: 150
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.



Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
(Viimsi Spa)

Mon     14:00 - 23:00  
Tue     14:00 - 23:00  
Wed     14:00 - 23:00  
Thu     14:00 - 23:00  
Fri     14:00 - 01:00  
Sat     12:00 - 01:00  
Sun     12:00 - 23:00  

Black Rose Pub – an English Pub

Black Rose is an English pub where good entertainment meets well spent time combined with tasty food and drinks. Here you can stretch your legs, listen to good music and have yourself treated with stacks of fantastic dishes. Smokers can use our luxorious Smoking Garden.

You are most welcome, our dear friends!
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.
If you wish to reserve to following events, please click the title below


No available times on selected date!
We wish to stay for longer than 3 hours
Table at first floor if possible
Table at second floor if possible

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LIVE at Black Rose pub: Pay Back

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

LIVE at Black Rose pub: DJ Sass Nixon

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

LIVE at Black Rose pub: The Guys

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

Black Velvet at Black Rose pub

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Velvet ei vaja kellelgi tutvustamist! Tulekul on sündmus, mida saab kirjeldada vaid ülivõrdes: Black Rose pubi elava muusika õhtu ägedaim live, esmakordselt meie pubis BLACK VELVET!

LIVE at Black Rose pub: Ervin Lillepea and Kruiis

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

LIVE at Black Rose pub: DJ Lenny La Vida

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

LIVE at Black Rose pub: Payback

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

LIVE at Black Rose pub: Vanaviisi

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

LIVE at Black Rose pub: La Luna and band

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

LIVE at Black Rose pub: Boogie Company

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.

LIVE at Black Rose pub: DJ Andrus Kuzmin

Randvere tee 11, Haabneeme, Harju County, 74001
Black Rose is an English pub where the best music, good time and good food and drinks meet.
Add a new comment
Harri 13:35 25.08.2024

Meeldiv ja kiire teenindus!

Evelyn 09:35 06.08.2024

Väga meeldiv teenindus!

Pille keskküla 09:13 30.06.2024

Teendaja oli super.

Ivika Saks 13:29 24.06.2024

Teenindus oli meeldiv, toit väga maitsev, üritus läks korda.

Daniil 10:41 02.06.2024

Suurepärane teenindus

Matthijs Quaijtaal 08:17 31.05.2024

Kodupubi ikka kiidan.

Peeter 08:24 24.05.2024

Kõik oli väga super!

Katrin 20:48 13.05.2024

Hea teenindus ja tore atmosfäär. Lapsed on kus mängida. Väga maitsvad koktelid

Kaidi Meus 17:24 14.04.2024

Suur kummardus sellel õhtul (13.04) tööl olnud personalile!

Kaidi Meus 17:22 14.04.2024

Kõik oli tore, aga miks ei lase broneerimissüsteem menüüd valida paaritule arvule inimestele? Broneerisime laua 5 inimesele, menüü maksime 6 inimesele..

Piret Herkül 08:10 13.04.2024

Väga lahe õhtu oli ja Sunshineband oli super.Rahvas möllas ja tantsis terve õhtu! Teenindajad viisakad ja toit maitsev ning hinnad normaalsed.

Tiina Anier 22:41 06.04.2024

Tänan meeldiva asjaajamise, korralduse ja vägeva Terminaatori kontserdi eest. Laud oli lavast eemal, see tuli kasuks. Lava ees oli õhku vähe. Aga elamus oli hiigel äge. Tulen tagasi, kindlasti tulen.

Liina Urb 17:38 06.04.2024

väga tore üritus ja kõik oli super, eriti toit ja teenindus. Ainuke asi, mis peaks olema parem, on ventilatsioon.

Madis 09:36 25.03.2024

Tervitusjooki võiks saada ise valida, Vana Tallinn polnud paljude lemmik ja jätsime pooled joomata. Teenindus 5+!

Raivo Voit 10:15 24.03.2024

Kodupubi kiitmast ma ei väsi!

Sirli 08:34 23.03.2024

Toit väga hea! Jõuab kiirelt lauda. Kõlar otse laua kohal, tegi rääkimised omavahel ebamugavaks. Oli liiga vali. Ülemine ja alumine kõlar võiks olla reguleeritav. Teenindus super!

Matis Tikerpäe 12:46 18.03.2024

Laulukava oli veits lühike. Tuul puhus kuklasse. Toit oli super ja teenindus ka. Tänan.

vello vatter 13:04 11.03.2024

kõik tore

Diana Rodendau 10:20 09.03.2024

Kōik oli lihtsalt super ! Aitäh !

Jaanika 08:08 09.03.2024

Hea toit ja mõnusad joogid ☺️