
Restaurant by the sea, at John and Merrit home!

Kokku hinnatud: 5

Merrit Kiho


Jaaniranna farm, Kolga - Aabla village, Juminda peninsula, Kuusalu Rural Municipality, Harjumaa, 74717

Mon     13:00 - 18:00  
Tue     13:00 - 18:00  
Wed     13:00 - 18:00  
Thu     13:00 - 18:00  
Fri     13:00 - 18:00  
Sat     Suletud  
Sun     Suletud  

Here it is – MerMer, the restaurant at our cosy seaside home yard. Within three hours, we offer delicious meals and fine wines to a small group.

In addition to salads, meat plays a great role in a three-course lunch, especially venison or mutton, but we also offer pork, beef, veal, hare, and fowl. We only cook the fish that local fishermen have caught. The more exotic creatures, such as lobsters, shrimps, etc, are naturally imported.
Mushrooms and berries have also been picked from our own forests and gardens, and vegetable come from local farmers. We offer home-made cakes or ice-cream for dessert. Instead of an à la carte menu, we have daily specials. If it occurs on reservation that a client is allergic to any food, we will take it into consideration.

Although Merrit occasionally peeks at Mediterranean and Swedish cook books, she does not cook any specific ethnic food – every meal is inspired by the hostess’s emotions. She simply loves to cook. However, we do not serve french-fried potatoes and wieners, so if you bring children, they will have to eat whatever the rest of the people are having. First and foremost, restaurant MerMer welcomes people who enjoy dining with their friends and are ready to swap anything old and habitual for something new and surprising. We dare to offer you such surprises and experiences.

Clients who decide to visit us at two o’clock in the afternoon are allowed to dine in their bathing suits and also take a swim between meals. A pebbly private beach is just a few steps away and the dune beach can be found 300 metres from the restaurant. Nevertheless, groups coming in at five o’clock can also take a brief swim on a beautiful summer day or walk on the dunes. Evening guests will have the opportunity to watch the sunset while enjoying their meal. It is your choice whether you come at 2 p.m., 5 p.m., or 8 p.m. It is always nice to spend time in Jaaniranna.

We sincerely hope that anyone visiting us would feel right at home.



The restaurant responds to offline reservations as soon as possible. For urgent questions, please call the restaurant's direct number.
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Margit 09:06 30.07.2022

Suurepärane koht, tore pererahvas ja mõnus kõhutäis ideaalse merevaatega :)

Kristel Karro 09:38 02.08.2019

Nii tore oli! Pererahvas oli mõnusalt kodune, toit oli lihtne ja maitsev, atmosfäär idülliline! Nautisime!

Piibe Piirma 09:06 20.07.2019

Väga hea toit ja kena pererahvas! Õnneks ilm ka soosis meie ettevõtmist, sest mere ääres oli tõesti tore olla.

Andrus 19:37 14.07.2019

Mer- Mer seisab Aias, kus professionaalne hool ja asjatundlikus kokku saavad. Kogu ettevotmine saab lennukuse loomerõõmust. Vapustavalt vaimustav!

Õie Tõemets 09:19 30.05.2016

toit oli väga hea, aga seda kõike oli liiga palju..